45 Metty Dr, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103


FFL Transfers

To request an FFL transfer through Ann Arbor Arms LLC, please notify the shipping dealer to send a copy of their valid FFL, plus a detailed sales receipt to ffltransfer@annarborarms.com. Once the transfer request is received and evaluated by an A3 employee, Ann Arbor Arms will work with the shipping dealer to complete the transfer. A3 must verify the legality of the firearm for the State of Michigan before the firearm proceeds through the complete transfer.

FFL Transfer

$ 50

FFL Shipping

$ 35

NFA Transfer

$ 150

Ann Arbor Arms LLC performs a federal background check on every individual who receives a firearm through our store so, ensure that you qualify to pass prior to your arrival. Once the firearm has been received and processed, an A3 employee will call to inform you that your firearm is ready for you to pick up and complete the required paperwork.

Please note, that if you are tracking your shipment, we ask that you allow us time to receive the order, process the firearm intake into our systems. Once we have completed our necessary steps in store, we will contact you and let you know that the firearm is ready for pickup.

Before ordering from the shipping dealer be sure to ask if Ann Arbor Arms has that firearm in stock! We may be able to order it for you and save you the shipping, cost difference and transfer fee.

Ann Arbor Arms is an NFA & Class III Dealer.
As our continued commitment to great customer service we offer NFA Application Assistance free of charge when the NFA product is purchased through Ann Arbor Arms. This includes: Fingerprints, passport quality photos, Form 4 and responsible person questionnaire completion assistance.

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